March 24, 2013

Tempting Treats: Pakistani Food is the richest and tastiest…

Tempting Treats: Pakistani Food is the richest and tastiest…

Whoever lives in Pakistan knows the variety and richness Pakistani cuisine has to offer. It includes all those traditional dishes mostly cooked using chicken and other meats, rice, vegetables, pulses, etc. These dishes mostly use various spices to create unique flavours, a speciality of dishes from India and Pakistan, the old neighbors.
Last week, we had a family dinner at our place and my mother cooked some dishes for our honorable guests. I took few photos of the food being served which I’m sharing here…
Biryani, Pakistani rice dish
Biryani, Pakistani rice dish
Boneless chicken
Boneless chicken
Chappal Kebab [Pakistani Beef Kebabs]
Chappal Kebab (Pakistani Beef Kebabs)
Roasted Chicken
Roasted Chicken
Biryani, Pakistani rice dish
Biryani, Pakistani rice dish
Mango ice cream with fresh mango chunks
Mango ice cream with fresh mango chunks
Fruit Trifle with Jellies
Fruit Trifle with Jellies
A glass of Coke...
A glass of Coke...

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