Tips attacked Facebook!!! Pakistani users Rock!!!
During last few months, I came across some typographically composed images titled Bro Tip being shared on Facebook. That appeared to be some kind of regular series that publish such one-liners and call them Brotip. Due to its popular theme about young guys, that made it even more famous among most of the Facebook users.
After around a week or so, a title named “Sistip” got my attention, and I thought here it is the female version of Brotip.
This thing appeared as a hit idea, so many people started using it, and during the last week, Facebook is all full of pages for tips having different categories. And one thing I noticed is that almost all of those new pages seem to be managed by Pakistani Users, that further shows how witty and creative a Pakistani Mind is.
And then we saw a flood of Tips like:
- Burger Tip
- Punjabi Tip
- Paki Tip
- Lahoritip
- PindiTip
- Mofo tip
- Hoe tip
- Memon Tip
- UETtip
- Beacon Tip
- Launda Tip
- Maila Tip
- Potty Tip, etc.
Check few ones out:
Although, few ones have thousands of members but most of others have even less than 200 members yet. Maybe people doesn’t know about them yet, or maybe many people found these things too cheesy to be enjoyed or followed. Whatever it is but if you use Facebook and have some real passionate youth of Pakistan in your list, then you’re likely to see many Tips being shared for everyone to enjoy.
I bet they’re still growing. So if you think you’re witty and can persistently keep that up, choose some topic and start a page. It’s fun if you do it for the sake of entertainment. Don’t forget to choose some nice sans-serif typeface… 

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