April 25, 2013

Jinnah - Liaquat Relations.

Moral and Financial Dishonesty are not that dangerous as dangerous the Intellectual dishonesty is. The good thing in American System, which should be appreciated is that, they declassify their State’s Privileged documents {Please visit the US Declassified Documents on Pakistan in the links below} after certain years and these declassified files help a great deal to those who want to learn from history. Since the society of ours is consist upon bunch of Intellectual Dishonest what we do instead of telling the truth to the nation we change and tamper with the history and if that is not enough we altogether change the text books of Social Studies or Pakistan Studies with the change of every government. Examples are as under:

Late. Ms. Fatima Jinnah in her memoir ‘My Brother’, which she prepared with the help of Mr. G. Allana is still not fully published some excerpt of which as per the mood of our Establishment and the nation as well are very sensitive. However, the same are being quoted below:


“Towards the end of July, without prior notice, Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan, the Prime Minister, arrived in Ziarat accompanied by Chaudary Mohammad Ali. He asked Dr. Ilahi Bux about his diagnosis of Quaid’s health. The doctor said that as he had been invited by me to attend to the Quaid, he could only say what he thought of his patient to me.

“But, as Prime Minister, I am anxious to know about it. The doctor politely replied. “Yes, Sir, but I can’t do it without the patient’s permission”.

As soon as I was sitting with the Quaid, that the Prime Minister and the Secretary General wanted to see him, I informed him. He smiled and said, “Fati, do you know why he has come?” I said I wouldn’t be able to guess the reason. He said, “He wants to know how serious my sickness is. How long I will last”. After a few minutes he said, Go down. Tell me. Tell me Prime Minister I will see him”.

“Its late, Jin. Let them see you tomorrow morning”.

“No, let him come now. Let him see for himself”.

The two were together for about half an hour, and as soon as Liaquat Ali Khan came down, I went upstairs to my brother. I found him absolutely tired, and he wore a sickly look. He asked me to give him some fruit juice, and then said, “Send Mr. Mohammad Ali”. The Secretary General of the Cabinet was with him for about fifteen minutes, and when he was once again alone, I went into his room. I asked him if he would have juice or coffee, but his mind was too preoccupied to answer me. By now it was dinnertime, and he said, “You better go down. Have dinner with them”.

“No”, I said emphatically, “I would rather be with you, and have dinner upstairs”.

“No, that is not correct. They are our guests here. Go. Eat with them”.

I found the Prime Minister on the dinner table in a jolly mood, cracking jokes and laughing, while I shivered with fright about his health, who was alone in his sick bed. Chaudary Mohammad Ali was silent, thinking. Before the dinner was over, I rushed upstairs. He smiled at me as I entered and said, “Fati, you must be brave”. I did my best to conceal tears that came surging into my eyes.

After a few days, Mr. Ghulam Mohammad, who was Finance Minister at that time, came to see the Quaid-e-Azam. As I sat alone with him over lunch, he said, “Miss Jinnah, I must tell you some thing Quaid-e-Azam’s Independence Day message has been played down, while the Prime Minister’s message was printed on the posters and pasted on buildings all over the cities. It was also thrown from aeroplanes over big cities”. I listened to this quietly: what was the use of bothering about such things? The only thing that mattered to me was my brother’s health, not his publicity.

“UN-QUOTE” [PAGE 438-439 from Shahabnama by Late. Qudratullah Shahab.]

Second opinion: Who killed Miss Fatima Jinnah? Khaled Ahmed’s Urdu Press Review Daily Times Friday, September 17, 2004

Many political leaders of Pakistan died unnatural deaths. But it is shocking that many natural deaths too are being converted today into unnatural death through hindsight. If this thing goes on it might put the entire official history of Pakistan out of joint

In Pakistan, there are far too many mysterious deaths among the elite. If you think Liaquat Ali Khan was the first leader murdered by an assassin in 1951, you are wrong. Many people think that the Quaid-e-Azam, the founder of the state, was murdered too, by none other than the administration of Liaquat Ali Khan! Then Bhutto was hanged by General Zia who was himself killed by someone who shot down his plane. There are many who think that ex-premier Suhrawardi was killed in Beirut. And General Ayub was killed by an American photographer who was hiding a lethal device in his camera!

According to “Nawa-e-Waqt” (22 July 2003) former attorney general of Pakistan and “honorary” secretary of the Quaid-e-Azam from 1941 to 1944, Mr Sharifuddin Pirzada, revealed outside a conference-room in Islamabad that Miss Fatima Jinnah had not died a natural death in 1967 but was murdered by a servant of hers. Mr Pirzada did not speak about the incident in the conference “for fear of spoiling the atmosphere” but added that more revelations would be made by him on August 14 about who hushed up the murder and then asked the Karachi police to bury the case. The revelation has not failed to shock the entire nation busy observing a year dedicated to the memory of Fatima Jinnah, the Quaid-e-Azam’s most revered sister. She led the opposition to General Ayub Khan’s military regime and figured as his most powerful electoral opponent in elections which were widely believed to have been rigged. Ms Jinnah returned late at night from a wedding. She locked up the house and threw the keys in her kitchen as was her habit and went to sleep. In the morning when Ms Jinnah could not be awakened, her neighbour Begum Hidayatullah was called, who got the door opened in the presence of commissioner Karachi and the inspector general of police, but found that Ms Jinnah had been murdered. Her bed was covered with blood and her neck was scarred. The police later declared that the death had been caused by cardiac arrest. Ms Jinnah’s lawyer nephew Akbar Pirbhai flew over from Bombay to investigate the real cause of her death but was confronted with an official smokescreen. Mr Pirzada thinks that she was killed by a servant of the house, but that the cover-up was later managed by the Ayub government.

Mr Sharifuddin Pirzada had appeared in a case that opened at the Sindh High Court in 1970 contesting Fatima Jinnah’s claim that the Quaid was a Shia. Miss Jinnah had entered an affidavit in 1948 at the High Court saying that she and Mr Jinnah were Shia. On 29 October 1970, one Hussain Ali Gangji Walji filed a suit at the High Court against Shirin Bai contesting her claim that Fatima Jinnah was a Shia. He sought to prove that Miss Fatima Jinnah was in fact a Sunni, as was Jinnah, and that therefore Shirin Bai was entitled to only half the inheritance under Sunni law, the other half going to the agnate relations, that is, to the offspring of Fatima Jinnah’s paternal uncle. Hussain Ali was the son of Gangji Walji who was in turn the son of Walji Poonja, the paternal uncle of Jinnah and Fatima Jinnah. The chief witness to appear for Hussain Ali Gangji Walji contesting Shirin Bai’s claim in 1970 was Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada. He had been honorary secretary to Jinnah from 1941 to 1944. He deposed that Jinnah was avowedly non-sectarian and had kept away from Shia politics. Had Miss Jinnah been alive she should would have been offended with him. He referred to documents which confirmed the secular Muslim faith of the Quaid. It appears that Matloobul Hassan Syed and Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada were for some time simultaneously secretaries to the Quaid, one ‘honorary’ and the other ‘private’. When Pirzada supported General Ayub Khan and declared his connection with Jinnah, Miss Fatima Jinnah issued a statement contradicting that he was ever his secretary. Pirzada submitted a press clipping at the Court which said that ‘Mr Pirzada, the husband of a Bohra lady, had become secretary to the Quaid’.

According to “Khabrain” (22 July 2003) Saira Hashmi’s book published some years ago had revealed that Fatima Jinnah went to attend the wedding of the daughter of Mir Laiq Ali on 8 July 1967 and returned from there after a short stay. She locked up the house and took her usual glass of milk. In the morning Lady Hidayatullah was called who got the house opened and discovered Miss Fatima Jinnah dead. One window was open which was unusual and the glass of milk was not there. Her cook had been fired three days earlier and a new cook had been hired. The new cook disappeared and was not to be found after the incident. After she was given two separate “namaz janaza” Miss Jinnah was not allowed to be buried near the Quaid by the Karachi administration which wanted her to be buried in Karachi’s Amir cemetery, but under public pressure commissioner Karachi allowed a piece of land 120 feet away from the Quaid’s mausoleum for her grave. That’s where she was finally laid to rest. Ahmad Saeed Kirmani who was Ayub Khan’s information minister said that he had heard rumours that Ayub Khan had got her killed but when he asked Ayub he said he would be mad to do a thing like that. Diplomat and a friend of the Jinnah family Qutbuddin Aziz told “Jang” (23 July 2003) that his mother had given “ghusl” to Miss Fatima Jinnah and had noticed no wounds or spots of blood. He said Ms Jinnah had died a natural death. Justice (Retd) Javed Iqbal told “Nawa-e-Waqt” that Mr Pirzada had kept quiet for 36 years and for some strange reason had now chosen to speak to distract attention. Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan told daily “Pakistan” that he knew that Miss Fatima Jinnah had been murdered but that the IG had covered it up. “Jang” (24 July 2003) quoted one Jawad Beg from Karachi saying his mother Mrs Raheel Sherwani was one of the ladies who gave the last “ghusl” to Miss Fatima Jinnah and had found no blood or scars on her body. Nawabzada Nasrullah remarked that ex-foreign secretary Mian Sheheryar Khan, whose late mother was a friend of the Jinnah family, would know the truth about Fatima Jinnah’s death.

Nawabzada Nasrullah definitely thinks that Miss Jinnah was killed by someone. He is also convinced that ex-prime minister Suhrawardi too was murdered. The mystery has developed because Miss Jinnah’s radio address after the death of the Quaid was switched off, meaning that all was not well between her and Liaquat Ali Khan. Then she had a tough confrontation with General Ayub whose son Gohar Ayub took out a violent procession against her in 1964 during elections when Karachi was expected to fall to her. It is psychologically damaging to the nation to learn all these details during a year dedicated to her memory. *

2nd example:


In 1945 Liaquat signed an agreement with Bhulabhai Desai of the Congress party, committing the Muslim League to a certain line of action on future constitutional progress of the country. He did this after telling Desai that Jinnah was a sick man and was dying and if the Congress desired a lasting and practicable solution of the Muslim problem it should deal with him (Liaquat) rather than with Jinnah. It was a secret and shady deal and Jinnah was neither consulted nor informed. When he read the news and the text of the Liaquat-Desai Pact in the press he was shocked, and considered it as an act of treachery on Liaquat’s part, and ordered his domestic staff not to let Liaquat enter his residence if he came to visit him.

Even as Prime Minister, Liaquat did not enjoy the trust of Jinnah. How could he with this background? Chaudari Muhammad Ali implied in his talks with me that the two men were not even on speaking term except in public and large company. M.A.H. Ispahani said that the Prime Minister did not take the files to the Governor General for personal discussion but sent them by the hand of his secretary. Thus there is sufficient evidence from authentic quarters to prove that Liaquat Ali Khan, in spite of being the first Prime Minister of the country, was far from being a national hero. His own record in office provides additional support to this contention. He failed to expedite the process of constitution making and died after more than four years in command without giving the country its basic law. He made a deliberate decision to refuse to visit the Soviet Union from which he had received an invitation. Instead, he chose to go to the United States and take Pakistan into the American Camp, thus initiating a slide, which led, by stages to friendship, junior partnership, dependence, obedience, beggary, and servitude.

He groomed certain bureaucrats for high political offices and preferred their advice to the counsel of his political colleagues. He neglected the task of organizing the Pakistan Muslim League and making it into a grass root party. He did nothing to meet the needs or allay the fears of the indigenous population of East Bengal. He posted arrogant, unsympathetic and self-willed Punjabi and Urdu-Speaking civil servants to the Eastern Wing, laying the first brick around the foundation stone of Bangladesh.

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