April 2, 2013

So You Think You’re Above The Law?

In Pakistan no one wants to go to receive education from government schools, nor do they have anything nice to say about their government but still most of the people want government jobs. Why is that so? The reason behind this is government officials are given power and luxurious facilities which they can abuse to the highest extent possible. Most Pakistanis are aware of the height of corruption that there is within the country for which the government alone is not responsible; the local authorities and citizen’s play an equally important role.
I’m sure all of you must have been a victim of pointless police interrogation at one point or the other in your life. The purpose of these authorities is to help and protect the citizens of the country but that does not happen? Instead they harass and pester the people in hope of getting some bribe out of them.
The poor people are the main victims of this injustice and exploitation because the authorities know that they have no one behind them and will eventually have to give in. When someone is in need of help who should they turn to? Going to local authorities is pointless because instead of helping you they just add to your problems. Who does a poor citizen turn to for help?
While the poor people are victims of oppression the “elite class” or “children and relatives” of government officials and ministers enjoy a prestigious level of supremacy over all other citizens. They easily get away with breaking the law and are rarely ever questioned because of their influential backgrounds. A very common statement that you hear from them is “Do you even know who I am?”
That is not supposed to matter! No matter who you are the law is the same for everyone and if you are a citizen of this country it is your duty to abide by it. No exceptions. Why do the influential parents or relatives give them the freedom to misuse government facilities? Why aren’t they made to respect and abide by the law like all other people?
When a minister or a government official is trying to make his way across town all the roads are blocked for precautionary safety measures causing a traffic jam. Ambulances are unable to reach hospitals on time resulting in the deaths of many innocent people. The public is caused a great deal of inconvenience. Is the safety of a mere minister or government official worth putting the lives of many innocent citizens in jeopardy? Why must the roads be blocked for them to travel across the city? Can’t they make do with a little less? Why are the government facilities being misused? Why are some of the citizens given supreme treatment while others are treated with utmost disrespect. Aren’t we all equal?

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