April 15, 2013

A Shia view on companions of Prophet Part-2

The Arabs are the worst in unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted  to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His  Messenger: But Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. [9:97]"

     "Hast thou not turned thy thought to those who declare that they believe in the revelations that have come to thee and to those before thee?  Their (real) wish is to resort together for judgment (in their  disputes) to the Evil (Tagut) though they were ordered to reject him.

     But Satan's wish is to lead them astray far away (from the Right).[4:60]"

     "In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease:And grievous is the chastisement they (incur), because they lied (to themselves). [2:10]"

Now let us look at the following verse:

"Has not the time arrived for the Believers that their hearts in all humility should engage in the remembrance of Allah and of the Truth which has been revealed (to them), and that they should not become like those to whom was given The Book aforetime, but long ages passed over them and their hearts grew hard?  For many among them are rebellious transgressors. [57:16]"

There may be some translations which state that the above verse is meant to address the Jews and the Christians.  That is not true, because it contradicts the verse itself. First, Allah (SWT) is addressing the companions and THEN comparing them to the Jews and the Christians.  How then could it be that Allah (SWT) tells the Jews and the Christians: "Has not the time arrived for the Believers that their hearts in all humility should engage in the remembrance of Allah..."  and then tell them: "...and that they should not become like those to whom was given The Book aforetime..."  Why would Allah (SWT) compare the Christians (or the Jews) to themselves? Does that make sense?  No, and Allah (SWT) doesn't contradict Himself (SWT).  Rather, the verse was revealed as a questioning by Allah (SWT) regarding some of the the Muhajiroon (the Immigrants), who 17 years after the Quran was revealed, had still not fully believed in their HEARTS. Allah (SWT), as a result, showed disapproval. Again, at the end, Allah points out that among them are many rebellious transgressors.

As we mentioned, there are some verses in Quran which admired the first faction among the companions. Nevertheless, these verses do not include ALL the companions. Quran often uses the phrase "believers among them" or "those who proceeded in belief among them" which shows it does not address the whole companions. In fact some hypocrites were among the companions.

If hypocrites were known among the companions they would be no longer hypocrites and would become known enemy.

Moreover, when Allah states I WAS pleased with them till today, it does not imply that they will also be good tomorrow. It is inconceivable that Allah will give a permanent immunity to some people who supposedly have done some good things earlier, but they shed the blood of thousands of innocent Muslims later after the departure of Prophet. If it were so, it would mean that a companion could cancel all the Quranic rules and the instructions of the Prophet. However, as I mentioned, Shia do not discredit all the companions. There were companions who are in great respect for us. These are those whom Allah admired in the Holy Quran. As you might have noticed, those verses in the Holy Quran do not include all the companions. When

Allah states:

 9:100 And those who preceded (in belief), FROM AMONG Immigrants and Helpers and those who followed them in what was good, Allah * WAS * satisfied with them; He has prepared for them gardens under which rivers flow to dwell therein forever. That is the great felicity.

 9:101 And (however) among the ARABS AROUND YOU ARE HYPOCRITES, and also among the people of Madina (there are some who) persist in hypocrisy whom you (O Muhammad) DO NOT KNOW. We, We know   them, and We shall punish them twice; then they will be sent to a painful doom.

The above verses show that:

   1- Allah WAS satisfied with them, but may not be applicable later.

   2- Allah addressing those who preceded in belief from among them, thus  it means He is not addressing all of the companions.

   3- Immediately in the next verse, Allah talks about the hypocrites  around Prophet who pretend to be his sincere companions and even Prophet does not know them according to the above verse. This is in conformity with the traditions of Sahih al-Bukhari mentioned above  that Allah will say to His Prophet that "You do not know what these  companions have done after you left them."

Of course, there are verses in Quran in which Allah uses past tense verb, but it is intended as present and/or future tense verb. However it is not always the case. There are many verses in Quran in which Allah clearly states that He changes His decisions in time based on our actions at each instant of time. Allah is not in the domain of time, but He has ability to change his decision in the dimension of time. Of course He previously know what He will to change later, and He has the foreknowledge of everything. He does not treat a believer in a bad manner today, even though He knows that this believer will become apostate tomorrow.

To clarify this point, please see verses of Quran such as 8:65-66, 7:153,16:110, 16:119, 13:11, in which Allah clearly states He changes His decision based on our behavior. You can locate many verses like these in Quran.

Thus Allah's judgment about human beings changes in time according to our actions. If we do something good, He will get please with us, and then if we do something bad, He gets angry from us, and so on. Companions are not exempt from this rule. Anybody who does good deeds, Allah was pleased with him, no matter if he was companion or not.

Allah is JUST. He does not discriminate between companion and others who live at this time. Nobody is guaranteed to go to paradise if he or she does wrong things, kills innocents,... . Otherwise Allah is not just. Allah states in Quran that "Everybody is responsible for what he has

done." (Quran 74:38).

Allah Also states: "Fulfill your propmise, so that I fullfill My Promise." (Quran 2:40). Thus even if we assume for the sake of argument that the verse 9:100 implies "all" the companions have been promised Paradise, the verse 2:40 clearly states that if those people break their convenant after the death of the messenger of Allah and kill innocents, then Allah will not fulfill His promise for them either.

Let us also look at the following Quranic verses which clearly shows that even a person with high virtues who deserves paradise, can BURN OUT all his good deeds (Habt of Amal) at once! So never judge people for their early good work (if any!). We should always look at the final result of each person. Even prophet didn't know what will be his destiny till he died (i.e., till he passed his final exam!) because he had freedom to do wrong things too.

Allah said: "(O Prophet) If you ascribe a partner to Allah, your work will BURN OUT, and you will be among the losers." (Quran 39:65)

If prophet's deeds are in danger of BURNING, it is clear how to judge for the companions. Of course prophet did not burn out his deeds, but there was potential of danger of burning for him too.

Allah also said: "And if any of you turn back from their faith and die in disbelief, their works BURN OUT and will be of no use in this world and Hereafter, and they will be companions of Fire for ever." (Quran 2:217)

He, Exalted, also said: "Those who become unbeliever after they have been believer, and grow violent in disbelief, their repentance will not be accepted and such people are those who go astray." (Quran 3:90)

He also said: "On that day (Doomsday) some faces will be bright and some faces will be dark. To those whose faces will be dark (will be said:) Did you reject faith after accepting it? Taste the penalty for rejecting faith!" (Quran 3:106)

Allah also said: "Those who believe, then reject faith, then believe (again), and then reject faith (again) and go on in disbelief, Allah will not forgive them nor guide them on the way." (Quran 4:137)

So it is quite possible for a believer whom Allah is satisfied with him, to become unbeliever tomorrow. Otherwise if somebody is promised that Allah is satisfied with him forever and unconditionally (no mater he kills innocents or does any other wrong thing later), then it means that he is no longer under the test of Allah, which is in contradiction with several verses of Quran.

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