April 29, 2013

Why Cia Killed Benazir Bhutto?

 The assasnation of a Great 3rd world Leader Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto when 2 months prior to her Death she was interviewd by David Frost for Al-Jazeera
She said  in her interview on Novemeber-2 2007 that Omer Shaikh has murdered Osama Bin Laden it was her last words in that Topic and the Same video is no longer available.
She was brutaly murdered as it upset CIA
Robin Cook another Ex-Roeign Minister reveled before his mysterious death that there is no Al-Qaeda only Cia and Arabs have made this Drama to have a reson to fund a gurella war in Afghanistan He was killed the
reason given was that he had an Heart Attack but the thing beomes strange when his wife was topped to accompany him to Hospital.
Is the CIA on a Drug Mafia compaign?Do they killed both as Drugs becoming hot and as Taliban opossed Drugs so they wer thrown out of Power and a so called drama of m9/11 was created?
The new Boston Drama what the game plan now is?

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