November 10, 2013

The 4 Things You Should Do as Soon as You Publish New Blog Content Read more at

The 4 Things You Should Do as Soon as You Publish New Blog Content  image get the most out of your blog posts1
It’s a great feeling hitting ‘publish’ on a new blog post, but there is work to do yet.
Whether you’ve spent a couple of hours, or a couple of days working on your latest post, you’ll want to ensure you get as much as you can out of it.
Following is a post-publication action plan that you may want to consider the next time you publish a new blog post:
Share on social media
I know you know to do this, but give some thought to how you share your latest post on social media. Taking the easy route and typing the title of your post with a link is really underwhelming.
There is opportunity to optimize your messaging for each social media platform you share on. Consider things like the length of your message, use of hashtags, questions to spark engagement, accompanying images, and any other nuances that can optimize your social media content.
Moderate and reply to comments
When you’ve published a blog post, you owe it to yourself and your audience to support your content. If someone posts a comment on your piece, take time to think through a meaningful response.
If a spammer manages to sneak a ridiculous comment about the latest male enhancement miracle through your spam filter, delete it so your comments remain clean and on topic.
Maximize relevant impressions
Think about how you can position your content in front of as many relevant people as possible. If those views are on your blog, awesome. If you achieve this by publishing your content on a curation site or guest posting, fantastic. If it means paying a few dollars (if you have a few to spare) for some targeted ads to drive traffic, amazing.
Impressions aren’t everything, but for many businesses, targeted impressions can be important. So, if increasing impressions is a meaningful part of your objectives, then find ways to get them. And don’t forget that just because you may have created amazing content for your blog, doesn’t necessarily mean your audience is going to find it. It takes serious effort and a well thought-through plan to maximize relevant impressions on your content.
Monitor and propagate conversations on social media
If your audience is sharing your content on social media, chances are pretty good that there will also be chatter about it. Keep your ear to the ground and monitor these conversations so that when meaningful conversations emerge about your piece – interesting questions, thoughtful builds on your ideas, fresh perspective, etc. – then you can chime in and play a role in these conversations (if appropriate).
If you are able to have meaningful interactions, you might even be able to convert those who you interact with to being a loyal reader of your blog, subscribers to your social media networks, or better yet, consumers.
Creating and publishing valuable content on a regular and ongoing basis alone won’t yield the meaningful results you are hoping to achieve with your blog. You need to ensure you’re getting relevant eyeballs on your content for it to have any real influence. Also, supporting your content and having a meaningful dialogue with your audience is a great way to win you a targeted following, build loyalty, and increase the chance of converting readership to consumers.


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