August 26, 2017

IL DUCE: Imran Khan's U-Turn & Confusion.

Imran Khan attacked both the mainstream parties and advised his friend Musharraf to do the same. That is one advice that has doomed Musharraf. Realism demands that you don’t go headlong against forces that are bigger than you — for the time being. Musharraf however learned the opposite lesson in foreign policy: be realistic and don't buck the world. Imran Khan ill-advised Musharraf and was offended by his foreign policy pragmatism It is amazing how Pakistan seems to be indifferent to the phenomenon of Imran Khan. The man was not only the country’s greatest sportsman and popular icon, he remains also a great human being. He is still the most remarkable social worker in a field of philanthropy that even Abdus Sattar Edhi has not ventured into: treatment of cancer for the poor. Why has he not attained the stature he deserves? Why is he not allowed to rule the country he wants to rule? Writing in Jang (September 30, 2004) Haroonur Rashid stated that Imran Khan was a great man but a bad politician mostly because he was let down by his advisers. His party was not a real party but a party of his admirers. Imran Khan was close to Haroonur Rashid the columnist and many times dropped him home after meetings. Imran was a great man — a man of decision and resolution. He was great when it came to his cancer hospital. He was great when he went to Chechnya and went around as the Chechens were fighting their war of martyrdom. But he was ill-advised by his partymen who forced him to actually say nothing about the American invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11/. Imran’s decision to start a movement against President Musharraf from Hazara and Swat was a good decision. 

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