August 26, 2017

Of Cold War, Domestic Espionage, & Wiretapping

Civil society, politicians often raise hue and cry over the political work and operation by Intelligence agencies and to some extent their apprehensions are right on the mark but saying this that in “Civilized World” there are some Laws and Regulations for these operations particularly in connection with Telephone Tapping and Bugging, is far from reality . I wouldn't condone or support any political duties or charter for Intelligence Agencies unless Human Life is in danger, Threat to the Integrity of the Country or  to Sensitive Installations, such political duties must totally be the charter of Provincial Special Branches of Police. Political Duties or Operation affect the morals of Intelligence operatives and affect their operational capabilities in their genuine area of operation and i.e. Counter Intelligence or Operations within their country to counter the operations launched by hostile forces , what is being done in Pakistan that almost every Intelligence Agency and Police too are detailed on Political Duties thereby causing huge financial losses to national exchequer and criminal neglect to their actual duties which is ultimately to restore Order in the state.

Since the days of General Ziaul Haq the use of Spy Agencies in Political Duties to make or break political parties and manipulate politics of the country has only harmed the country in a worse possible way and I will hold General (R) Mirza Aslam Beg, General ® Hamid Gul, General ® Asad Durrani, General ® Mahmud, Major ® Aamir , Brigadier ® Imtiaz , General ® Javed Nasir etc responsible for playing with the fate and destiny of this country and bringing country to the threshold of dismemberment . These Numskulls I mentioned earlier have no shame to admit on record that they have been in connection with US Central Intelligence in one way or another and in some cases with Mossad as well and then these very gentleman brag that they actually countered the Western Spy apparatus from harming Pakistan as if we are all some fools and cannot read what harm these gentleman have done to the federation by manipulating Pakistani politics via creating Ethnic and Sectarian goons in every province to counter those political parties who represent Federation, does Mehran Bank Scandal ring any bell?

To keep the record straight, the Civil Society, Journalists & Politicians need lots of reading about domestic espionage in the alleged Civilized World e.g read Patriot Act, Church Committee Report, Cointel Pro of FBI and particularly after Wikileaks and latest Edward Snowden leaks and list goes on and on. Why these politicians conveniently forget what they do with their political rivals in Pakistan via these Intelligence Agencies which they later condemn. Journalists should also accept the blame that these very journalists who complain about Intelligence agencies are often found promoting some of the very unsavory characters the names I mentioned above as “Guarding Angel or Knight in shining armour”

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