May 16, 2013

British Police Helpless before the British spy Agency M-16










The British Police showed there complete helplessness to stop a Criminal who makes Racist Speeches.Who says he will broke his ex-country Pakistan.

We,are talking about Mr...Altaf Husain during his last speech a telephonic address he completely went out of control by threatening Imran Khan workers on there sit-in against massive Poll-rigging.He threatened that his fellow-workers will attack the people who will sit-in and speak against his party.

The British High-commissioner to Pakistan also assured that necessary action will be taken.The man is in the case of a Murder on British soil and his attachment is quite proofed.

The British spy-Agency M-16 is protecting the Guy and will not let the British Police to make any charge or Arrest the guy.Now we know the British Police is quite helpless .

The man after 50,000 Telephonic calls to British Police a reminder to the British Parliament and a strict warning from the Canadian government that the man is involved in Terrorism.They cannot do anything to this guy.

In a civil society there are every type of people with Low to High mindset.If anyone provoked by such un-warranted attacks within a country due to which thousands of people lost there lives.

Who will take the responsibility of such person if he counterattacks in any-other country like Britain .Are the British so naive that such Racist no-matter how much important must be brought to justice

I request the Thinktanks in Europe-usa to assess the threat that posses there lives which is quite precious and we equally respect there identity and there love to there country so we also love Pakistan but i repeat there are Low-High mind people and the ball is now swinging rapidly

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