May 16, 2013

Altaf Hussain plans to divide Sindh

The people whom Sindh protected once they migrated to Sindh capital is now demanding the Division of Sindh.They helped those people once they had nothing.They did not sacrificed there lives for Pakistan.The areas adjoining the Indian Punjab Amritsar-Gurdaspur had a miserable story of Migration.They wera also Muahjir or New settlers.
They were more learned then the other Pakistani They become the Leaders of this country and then they become a part of Establishment and they did a lot of un-justice to Sindh depriving its Rural Areas by not sharing any funds and making them poorer.
The majority of these so called settlers come into Pakistan during the days of there Leaders Liaquat Ali-Khan.The man was not seen as a realisitic secular in the eyes of Jinnah the Founder of Pakistan.He openly become Angry with a Leader a government employee Ayub Khoro when he tried to stop the massacre of Hindus He said why you tried to stop the Looters from killing the Hindu when many Muslims are being killed in India.
Liaquat Ali-Khan was the man who allowed Migration of these people to Sindh in 1956 after the creation of Pakistan.These become a part of this country and the new establishment was being made which with the Help of Army ruled the country.
Sindhi will never allow division of Sindh.The major parties all over Pakistan are very un-happy due to there constant Black-Mail.They have just 17 Votes in a Parliament of 346 and they broke every Government.
They took fights with Sindhi and killed thousands of them.Then they took the revenge against Punjabi.Then Pashtoons and in the last Baluch.
The time has come when the Pakistan nation must unite against the ugliest plans of this Organization that will bring more Terrorism then the world can handle.

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