May 19, 2013


Imran Khan, has blamed Altaf Hussain for Zahra’s killing in Karachi.

In a tweet, the PTI chief has said that he holds Altaf Hussain directly responsible for the killing as he (Altaf) openly threatened the PTI activists and leader through public broadcasts. Khan, in another tweet, also holds British government responsible for the ‘murder’ of Zahra Shahid as he said that he had warned them about British citizen Hussain after his open threats to PTI workers’ lives.
We strongly condemn the Brutal killing of a Pakistan political activist belonging to Imran Khan and hold the British government responsible when clear message was given by 500000 Pakistani M-16 which is protecting a Terrorist in London forced the Police not to take any action
Shame on M-15 the British spy Agency.
All Pakistani must come forward to condemn the Bruytal muder with the help of British and boycot British and stop all supplies to Nato immediatly Block all roads that carry any supplies to British forces in Afghanistan

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